High Performing Government

High performing organizations are relentlessly focused on providing outstanding customer service. All City services should be designed with the user at the forefront – policies, schedules, and regulations should be changed if the result will increase customer service without compromising organizational values. Divisions within government should work to provide services in a one-stop-shop, to avoid duplication and remove barriers to citizens. A high performing, innovative government will provide multiple platforms for citizen feedback of each service delivered and respond to feedback quickly.
Things We're Tracking:
Service Requests - Service requests are generated through Chattanooga 311 system.  311 receives a multitude of service requests from brush pick-up, to code violation tips, and even changing a light bulb in City hall.  It's imperative taxpayer dollars are used efficiently and these service requests are completed at an acceptable rate.
Work Orders - Similar to service requests above, work orders are generated on larger projects to benefit the surrounding community.  They can be as simple as repairing a curb to as complicated as resurfacing several blocks.

Service Requests

Service Requests generated in 311 often come directly from Chattanoogans seeking the services of the City.  Some requests are time sensitive such as a traffic signal being out while others can be as simple as requesting mowing in the City right of way.  The City of Chattanooga's different departments that serve these request set targets on how long it should take to complete the service request and how often they should be completed on time.  This way, we can hold ourselves accountable in providing high quality services to citizens of Chattanooga.

Seasonality of 311 Service Requests

There's heavy seasonality in the brush collection service request, which is the most common, due the fact there is more growth in the warmer months; and more people go outside to perform yardwork during these months.  Public Works is aware of this trend and proactively staffs accordingly.  Even with increased staffing, in the above on time measure, it is apparent the workload increase can lead to decreases in the percent of requests completed on time.

Work Orders

Work orders are created when service requests must be escalated to longer term and larger projects such as resurfacing a street, putting in a new sidewalk, installing new traffic signals, etc.  Some departments also use work orders internally to track their own work.  

Active Work Orders Locations

To the right is a map of active work orders the City is working on.  The City strives to perform work orders efficiently when requested and ensure work orders are closed properly.  Delays can sometimes crop up when parts and equipment must be ordered or reserved to complete the work order.  Find out what work orders are going on in your area by clicking on the dots.

Learn More

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